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"This school continues to be good. Safeguarding is effective. The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school..." OFSTED 2023

"You and your deputy are an effective team. You provide good leadership to your staff. Through your regular checks on teaching, you know the strengths of your school and also areas that still need improvement." OFSTED 2017

"Parents are happy and proud that their children attend your school. It is clear that many appreciate the ethos and the 'welcoming family feel' of your school. Pupils attend regularly and show excitement about their learning."


" Excellent relationships and clear expectations for good behaviour result in all classes having a calm and purposeful atmosphere. Teachers offer lots of praise and this helps to build the pupils’ confidence and self-esteem. As one pupil commented, ‘Our teachers make hard things sound easy.’ Teachers successfully promote the pupils’ social and moral development enabling them to share and support each other in their learning. All of the pupils spoken to stated they loved learning and found it fun."


"Pupils demonstrate good attitudes and behaviour. Pupils are happy and work together."


"You know your pupils and your families well... You have a clear focus on making sure that teachers plan work that is matched to pupils' needs. This has been successfully addressed since the previous inspection. Consequently, all pupils make good progress... Pupils are known as individuals. This means that there is well planned intervention to support pupils in making accelerated progress."


SS Peter & Paul school was inspected by OFSTED on 

4th & 5th May 2023

and was judged to be a GOOD school.  

"Staff and leaders manage behaviour effectively... Pupils' engagement in lessons is good and they take pride in their work."


"Teaching assistants work well with groups to support pupils in making rapid progress. This support enables some of the lowest-ability pupils to complete work at the same level as the main class group. This is helping these pupils to catch up."


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