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Statutory Documents

Please use the links below to download our Policies & Documents.


Performance Information


Attainment Data Report 2022-2023

Government School Performance Tables - SS Peter & Paul


Pupil Premium Report 2022-2023 & Strategy 2023-2024

Sports Premium Report - Evidencing the Impact 2022-2023


SEND Information


SEN Report 2023-2024

SEN Policy 2023-2024

Accessibility Plan 2023-2025


Admissions Information


In-Year Admissions Statement


Admissions Criteria & SIF 2023-2024

Supplementary Information Form for Sept 2023

Admissions Criteria & SIF 2024-2025

Supplementary Information Form for Sept 2024

Admissions Criteria & SIF 2025-2026

Supplementary Information Form for Sept 2025

Admission Appeal Timetable 2024

Ethnicity Form


Financial Documents, Reports & Accounts


Annual Financial Report

Annual Audited Accounts

Articles of Association

Academy Trustees & Members

Academy Governance Structure

School Funding Agreement

Master Funding Agreement


School Policy Information


Acceptable Use of the Internet & Technology Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Asthma Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Statement (SJPIIMA)

Catholic Life & Mission Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct (Staff)

Code of Conduct (Visitors/Parents)

Complaints Policy

Critical Incident Information for Parents

Curriculum - English Policy

Curriculum - EYFS Policy

Curriculum - Mathematics Calculations

Curriculum - MFL Policy

Curriculum - Religious Education Policy

Data Protection (GDPR) Policy

Dismissing Pupils at the end of the School day Policy

Drug Education Policy

EAL Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Equality & Diversity Statement (SJPIIMA)

E-Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Home School Agreement

Lost or Missing Child Policy

Marking & Feedback Policy

No Platform Policy

Pay Policy (SJPIIMA)

Physical Intervention & Restraint Policy

Prayer & Liturgy (Collective Worship) Policy

PREVENT & No Platform for Extremism Policy

Relationship Sex and Health Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Home School Agreement

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Sept 2022

School Uniform Policy

Social Media Policy

Supporting Children with Medical Needs

Teaching & Learning Policy

Whistle Blowing & Serious Misconduct Policy


SJPIIMA Admissions Policy Consultations for 2023-2024

Please find a statement regarding the consultation on proposed changes to Admissions Policies for some schools in the St John Paul II Multi Academy Company. Please note that Bishop Walsh School's policy is affected by this. The change relates to proposals to remove the requirement for a Certificate of Catholic Practice for 2023/24 admissions. There are no other changes - the requirement for a Baptismal Certificate will remain. Please note that the policies for 2021/22 and 2022/23 at Bishop Walsh remain unchanged and there are no proposed changes to the policy for SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School.

Details on how to access the policies and how to respond to the consultation can be found in the attached statement. Click here.


The admissions consultation has now been completed and the approved Admissions Policy and Criteria for the academic year 2023-2024 are published above for your information.

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